Another blogs updates! This is updates is about my progression towards dance at week 6.I went to Thursday's batch Foreign bodies dance club. I went there on time which is 6.00 pm. I met a friend of mine, which is taking the same course as me ,Digital And Precision Engineering. His name is Yi Hao.Let me describe some of him, he is a better dancer as he succesfully joined the dance club in the first audition already, Different from me, I tried twice only able to join this club. He is a very friendly boy.Other than him, I also met with another friend. His name is Jia Hao. He is also a very nice boy, i knew him in the first practice.We do some cross-hand signal as we are FB's juniors. Then, we do some warm up exercise.Although it's a warm up exercise, it doesn't mean that it is easy. Those warm up exercise is kinda harsh. After the warm up accompanied by our seniors, all of us, the juniors gone sweat like its raining already in the club house,Block A239.
After the all the sweat, we felt relieved after the whole warm up session. The president, Fadhlan gave us a short break about 3 mins for a sip of water to avoid us from dehydrated. Without wasting much time, Fadhlan , the president taught us some new moves, which is basically moving every part of our body. Let me describe more, this moves is called ISOLATION. From the name, we could barely understand it. Which is moving the very specific part of our body while keeping other parts of our body in a stationary mode. It's not easy though, a lot of us undergoes difficulty but we are not left behind. All the seniors walked around to teach the juniors to acknowledge about the moves,ISOLATION. After an hour of practice of the isolation thingy, a lot of us improved and isolated very well with the beat of the music.
Then, the GUY's incharge senior taught us the down motion, which is moving our shoulder down and up while straining our tummy. The down motion is a very crucial part for a hip hop dancer as it must be mastered before we are able to make good moves in dancing. After that, the president gave us some break, 10 mins to get ourselves cool down. Jia Hao,Yi hao and me went to toilet together and drank some water, we chat for a while.
Regroup. 2 seniors which is the GUY's incharge perform a dance to us. This will be a new choreography for us. We are then divided into 2 groups, taught by the GUY's incharge. We are given about 45 minutes before the showcase begins. Our groups were taught by one of them, named Wei Min. He taught us all the moves for 45 minutes. Ofcourse not him alone to carry so many of us, he is helped by other seniors too. They taught us all the steps and practice with all of us by making the beats faster and faster as we counted them. The fastest one was with the music. I hardly followed all the moves at first. But i tried very hard and try to observe other's moves. Atlast, i succesfully dance correctly with the music.
We are then given another short break to get ourselves ready before the showcase begins. We are given numbers which is one to seven. I'm given the number of 7, which is the last group to perform the showcase. The showcase starts. We are given 3 times to dance same as the one in audition. As i can observe, alot of juniors hardly to follow the moves when the music is tune on. I think they are nervous when they step on the centre. When the time for me to showcase, I thinks positive and looks very confident infront of the seniors. When the music starts, i started to groove by moving my body in such a dancer way. When the real part started, my mind was blanked, i forgotten all the moves and just barely follow the seniors to dance in the first trial. I kept telling myself to dance in correctly. Well i failed for the 3 times. i felt very nervous and i'm not sure when is the real part dancing starts and i forgotten every steps. But nevermind, the seniors motivate us alot.
I will try my best to stay away from the nervous and practice well before i attend the practice next week! Although i didn't dance well, i learnt alot from the seniors!. Thanks you seniors for the teaching!

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
1st Practice in Foreign Bodies Club
Yesterday was the 1st day of training in Foreign Bodies allocated in Block A. The whole purpose of the 1st training is basically just welcoming fresh juniors. The president and seniors introduced themselves to us and gave us some of their hand phones contact on who should we look for if we are not attending the practice and leaving early. Other than that, all of the freshman are given to 2 days to choose for the training session.
I choosed the Thursday one
After that, we are divided into smaller groups and accompanied by few seniors sitting in a circle. Then we start our ice-breaking session to introduce ourselves and know each other more as we will be seeing each other for the next 3 years maybe. I had fun talking and talking in that circle as everyone starts to talk about their goals to achieve when they are in FB and why are they eagerly wanted to join in the Foreign Bodies' family. As for me, its simple, i just simply love dancing. Then we start to played some games that made us to remember each other's name for the future benefit. Time's up after that.
4 seniors comprises of 2 boy and 2 girls which is what they called " Guys in Charge" and "Girls in Charge" accompanied us to do some warm up activities before the real fun games start. These warm up are very essential to avoid us from cracking our bodies or any other part. Since the place was so small and there were alot of freshman, we kinda feel awkward to warm up together by stretching out our legs. We had fun although its just a warming up session.
After that, the 4 seniors starts to explain the game. Then they teach us how to play that game.It was basically mind versus dancing. After everyone knows how to play already, we are divided into 13 groups and are given a paper of choreography on the dancing movements. Next, we are demanded to leave the Club room and find a better site for us to practice that will be presented after 25 minutes.
Then my group, started to practice and creates formation. Everyone gives idea and concluded together. We had a lot of fun back then. After 25 minutes, the president asked us to go in and get ready for the showcase. We sat together and starts to watch others to perform their showcase. Although they didn't dance uniformly, we still clap our hand hardly to motivate them.
As for us, we were motivated too when we were performing.
After the last one had performed, the 4 seniors presents their dance. Seriously, they dance really well in term of their movement and formation they changed was totally awesome. I was stunned! After that, the president just give a few more words about that day activities and everyone starts cross hand with each other and then chaoZz. The 1st day was really an amazing one!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I'm in the GROOVE~!
AHAHAH, i successfully join in the foreign bodies dance club with a lot of effort on it. Let me elaborate some of the history ~~
I went for the audition for twice which is the 1st audition and the 3rd one.. The 1st audition i couldn't get in, but it was predictable as I did not dance according to the choreography taught by the senior. Well, to be frank, the music and beat was so fast and I'm sure you don't have the time to remember it yet it's the 1st time of me.
I still remember the first after the 1st audition which falls on week 3 , i walked back sadly as i had dance all my sweats out for about 1 and a half hour and can't even dance properly according to the choreography and only capable to barely follow the beats of the music. I started to feel that is dancing really that difficult to learn? the results came out after a week like that after the 1st audition. I saw my name was not there and kept staring on the FB's notice board with my other 2 roommates nicholas and tommy, i made them wait! , sorry guys .As for the rules, one participant can only participate for one audition,so, its either the 1st day or the second one.So, afterall, i just have to forget everything about dancing as I'm not talented to dance and failed for the 1st audition in week 3.
After a while, i visit the blog of foreign bodies again in the week 4, i happily to found out that the club's crew is still recruiting and gives last chance for participants who didn't get to join and the one who are willing to join the club but is not free on the 1st 2 audition. The 3rd audition will be on 19th and it is just next week.The first thing that bolts my mind was " Am i free for the particular day?". This very last audition or i can say the last chance for me to enter the club on this year. Well, previously, i thought that after failing in the 1st time, i decided to join adventure club to as it was recommended by my senior,Jit Khai and promised to join that club. well, i went to the adventure club for the first time on Monday in the week 5 as it's already a must to go.I have a very tiring day, tomorrow will be the audition, i felt really tired and wishing to get home earlier and sleeps to regeneration. As the rational of me, i selected to stay and give another try on the audition tomorrow.
On that day, my 2 roommates left me alone and went home after classes. NEVERMIND that! I went to the audition hall to meet up with the seniors and participants is divided by groups. As the training starts, i focused very well in every words that the seniors said and practice every moves hardly by trying them out oftenly and asked senior as if my moves were correct or not.I even kept practicing when its the time given by the seniors to rest.I'm really grateful on the way the seniors taught and the patient they have on teaching newbies and not less with the effort based on their knowledge in dancing. OK, after the practice, i felt fully confident but still abit nervous as it is the human nature to nervous when some test or exam that is important to ourselves is up ahead a couple more minutes XD.
Well, its my turn already, there are 3 trial, 1st is dancing accompanied by senior, 2nd will be by ourselves, that the 3rd is swap position with other participants, although it seems to be alot of trial. I can tell the whole process was moving like thunder as for me the nervous one. My mind towards time when dancing was like split seconds. After the dance, i don't really how far i did, everyone in the room just clapped their hands, but i dun dare to jump in to a conclusion as the seniors will surely clapped their hand to entertain the participants. Now, all i have to do is to wait for tomorrow as the result will be on the blog as i asked on of the seniors.
At 10.00 pm, I just keep refreshing the webpage on the FB's blogspot, eagerly to know whether I'm IN or not, I happily found out that my name, Marcus Yap is written on the list(27) I was so happy that i hugged one of my roommates , tommy!~ XD. I passed! and in this following friday, i will attend for the training session in the club room! =DD

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