Okay, back to the dance. After the 9th week, i came back again to Singapore. At week 10th, Foreign bodies dance club has planned a camp for juniors that takes place on 25-27June, Nanyang Polytechnic Block E =D.Im gonna talk all the activities in this camp =X
Day1 Fb's camp
All the juniors are separated into 5 groups. All the respective groups discuss about their group's name. For my group, we called it SDD - Sexy Dance Dumplings. The main reason we select this name is because of our team member's gender. We have 4 guy and 12 GALS!!. Compare to other, we really have a very imbalance gender =X. Nevermind that! Our team rox! We are also companied by few seniors. They are helpful and cool!. Motivates us all the time and made the SDD's felt enthusiatics. The 1st activities is mainly on ice-breaking which is normally held as the 1st activities in every camp. Alot of games has been planned by the seniors in giving all the juniors opportunity to make new friends! I really felt excited to make new friends as we are FB's family =D.In this game, all the members in my groups really did well the best. We played Tangle the Human. And we also played passing by a small plastic paper with mouths around. All the guys have to sit in between the gals. Infact, our team comprises of 16 members which is the most among all the groups.But, we did the passing fastest and also the most efficient one with the record of 11 rounds in 10 minutes. Last year, our seniors best record was only 6. HAHA. SDD ROX!

After that. We are go for other lecture. All the 'lecture' was so nice and really helps us alot. The grandsenior themselves have their own genre to master. After the whole thing we are introduced with some really cool genre such as, House, Whacking, Locking, Popping, Bboy, Reggae, Hip Hop. Before i joined this club, I don't know any types of dance. After this camp, i felt so 'optional' XD, the seniors also keep asking about what genre are we heading .As for me, i choose for the Hip Hop. Hip hop is basically cool moves with fast action. After all the lecture in day1, we also called for bathing and den go to bed *early*. Infact, everyone's getting hungry and called for McD delivery. HAHA. The delivery came at 3 midnight. LOL. Hence, everyone's to bed after the meal XD.
Day 2 Fb's camp
All of us woke up at 645 and den wash up ourselves.Then headed to the stadium ran for 1.6km. Everyone look really sleepy but still we finish the 4 laps.Sadly on today, Famous popstar dancer, Michael Jackson died of heart attack. As a dancer, all of us felt sad because a once talented pop star died. We mourned by sitting down on the field under the sunlight by closing our eyes for 1 minute. AND THEN, we are splashed water by all the seniors!. Its a sudden attack. =X. Everyone laughed but all of us will still remember the contribution in dancing of MJ. Seniors planned a game for us, we are asked to 'decorate' up one of the member and name her/him a princess/prince with newspaper. We are also given some plastic bags. These plastic bags is to filled up with water. To win this game, we must throw the water plastic to opponent's princess /prince, the lessest the newspaper drops in their body, that's the winner. All of the guys in my team group, Zen,WeiKiat,Johnathan and myself strike our water plastics to the MAX. Neglected about the status of our princess in the castle! LOLX. When all of us got back, we found out that our princess has gone all wet! And we started to laugh and starts to defend her although its too late! The games then ends and the winner is the other group, SlumDope. As expected!
Sexy Dance Dumpling SDD's
We also headed back and change into dancing attire. This time we learn Hip Hop. As we are lack of time we only learn 8 counts. Then we are headed to one room and played some game.All of us get so HIGH~ We also made a cypher around us and started a freestyle show. its was so high that all of us enjoyed shouting and moving around! After that, all of us settle down and time for prize giving. Indeed, we are the winner! SDD's a winner~! with the points of 130!i think mostly is because of the passing small plastic paper by mouth game. All the team accepted the newspaper wrapping snacks, Depending how big it is only. All of us had fun in bidding. Sounds like a marketing person=X. All of us settle down and wait for the next activities which is watching movie, Dead Silence. Its was so freakingly scary. And the volume was so loud, i was just sitting beside the speaker>"<> is going to happen in the night walk lol. Then we are separated into a group of 4, 2 gals and 2 guys a group. Then we started to walk around the school following the glowing sticks. Weird sounds is keep happening and its freaking prompting. Throughout this activities, one gal from our gals started to cried. She is so scare that she actually asked us to stop this nightwall and head back. As a guy, i said some motivational lessons to her" Finish this night walk and great memories in the future awaits!" Sounds cool rite? XD. Then we just end our night walk. Infact, she is a very brave gal and have alot of stamina too. Crying from the beginning of this nightwalk till the end LOL. After that, all of us just go to bath and I was so tired, lack of sleeping through the whole camp. I was the 1st one to sleep! which is at 2 midnight =.=Day3 Fb's camp
Today seems to be a very relaxing day, all of us can wake up at 8.00 ^.^ we then washed up ourselves and den headed to the Atrium in Block A. We are asked to prepare a choreo by ourselves in groups. For my group, we made a choreography successfully with the theme of 'zombie'. We discuss and practice very well in every steps. Finally we had done it! After the 2 hours in doing this preparating, all the groups are then asked to showcase. All the groups really did well, and has applied what had been learn in the past 2 days. All of the groups inserted every genre that had been learned. Not less with the seniors, they also made their own choreo. And finally, the grand seniors also showcase. They were so COOL!! XD
After the showcase and some brief motivation talk by our seniors and grand seniors, we are headed back to the room and started to pack everything up and leave the room. Later that, we have a photo taking session. For all, we made a video too, I will post the link in blogspot when the video is up in youtube ^.^