Today is the day i got my gpa.
Before waking up at 8am. I was actually dreaming on my bed. Dreaming on the Gpa i got in my dream. I dreamt i got 3.5 . At the particular moment, My whole muscle felt like stone. I wanted to kill somebody so i find somebody to kill in my dream. end up i couldnt find anyone and im awaken by my mom. She told me something that i had forgotten, mayb something about my gpa. But thanks to her, i know that my gpa 3.5= dream. I was damn happy but i couldnt get off from my bed, i continued my sleep. I wish i will not dream on some nonsense again. I wish to have a sleep and be prepared before i get to see my gpa on nyp portal.
Later about 11.30, my mom called me asked me to wake up, she invited for lunch, at the meantime, she asked me to check my gpa. She's quite serious, Then i woke up. I woke up and i went brush my teeth. I didnt wash my face because it's too nervous. I ran to my computer and press on the on button. I quickly log on my admin and password. I tell myself, lucky gpa=3.5= dream. Im relieved. I tot i was able to get atleast 3.7-3.8 because nicholas just got 4.0 for this sem. How i know? because he haven logoff his admin from my laptop. I then super busy body go and check out his gpa. He got 4.0 for this sem. GRATZ to him !
After knowing that, i then logoff his admin and continue to log on mine. happened to be. i got 3.2. And i knows it well, it's not dream. Im fucked up. Then i just keep on HAIZ. then i went to bath and wash face then be ready to out for lunch. I drove to the restaurant then saw my mom. I dono what expression to show her. But just a smile with something else with my mouth. i forgot what i showed her. In short, I just showed her a face like ' i just got chased by some mad dogs kinda feeling' but dno how she intepreted it. Then i tell her my gpa. and then she kinda puke =.=! Im sorry mom. I will do better next sem.
Enough for my story. Today is a hell fuck-ed up day for me. How i wish the dream was real. Dono how u will intepret this post. Hope im optimistic because this mayb just a small start of something great.Im scared if i cant continue my studies in Uni with my result. I wish i learnt and experienced this kinda big catasthrope and no more next time. although there's still be i assure =.=! Hope in future, there's still chance and hope this is not the end.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Just a simple post. Guess who's that on the picture? Say handsome please=D
Well, its taken during the photo shoots for my dance production de bah. Coming soon on december 17-18th o.O
Im boring for this few days.
Beh and Ck went to have their exams. Wish them luck !
And another thing,my exams result are releasing tomorrow. I wonder
what will i acheive this time? i can sense catastrophe gonna happen haiZ swt it out !
Mayb i just have to sit still and calm down and sleep. not think so much. Bless me to have a good nite for tonight !
Sunday, September 26, 2010
I wonder if we're on gap?
After so long of not meeting, but we still didnt take up the initiative to talk to each other. Mayb im the one to be blamed.
Or mayb you don think there's the need of talking.
Yes, I miss you more than anyone. The reason im back sometimes, are partially because of you.
But seems that you're too busy to entertain me. I wonder why we can chat so wondeful in the phone but couldnt get to each other face to face. Dono if i thinked too much. Everytime i see you. i hope for you to look back.Mayb you think i back for no reason, yes there's the reason. For my brothers and you. I eagerly wanna see you. But in the end it turned out to be a normal thing for you.
I dono, but i still hope for the best in you. And i still hope to be a little of position in bottom of ur heart.
After so long of not meeting, but we still didnt take up the initiative to talk to each other. Mayb im the one to be blamed.
Or mayb you don think there's the need of talking.
Yes, I miss you more than anyone. The reason im back sometimes, are partially because of you.
But seems that you're too busy to entertain me. I wonder why we can chat so wondeful in the phone but couldnt get to each other face to face. Dono if i thinked too much. Everytime i see you. i hope for you to look back.Mayb you think i back for no reason, yes there's the reason. For my brothers and you. I eagerly wanna see you. But in the end it turned out to be a normal thing for you.
I dono, but i still hope for the best in you. And i still hope to be a little of position in bottom of ur heart.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Not sure if i told u guys about my deactivation of facebook. I did it on 22/July/2010
Its been officially more than 3 months from then, Now the thing is, should i reactivate it anot?
The answer: NO, because no is no. Don ask why.
Chiamin still owe me a treat of Sakae Sushi o.O!
I will surely come back again to singapore and grab that hehe.
A quote in my mind now: 'No matter where you are, when you're just with ur trusted fren. You don have to be afraid of getting "cool" moments or neither do u care' :D
Another thing to share, i wanna make a video by my own ! feeling so strong xD
Its been officially more than 3 months from then, Now the thing is, should i reactivate it anot?
The answer: NO, because no is no. Don ask why.
Chiamin still owe me a treat of Sakae Sushi o.O!
I will surely come back again to singapore and grab that hehe.
A quote in my mind now: 'No matter where you are, when you're just with ur trusted fren. You don have to be afraid of getting "cool" moments or neither do u care' :D
Another thing to share, i wanna make a video by my own ! feeling so strong xD
Monday, September 20, 2010
Alone in Home8
Okay, Im now alone in home8. Joel went back this evening.
I have to say this. Im freaking scared. Why is there noises in such late nights. How am i going to pass through tonite? I felt like sleeping in the living room. ARGH. Home8 has just go messy to the max, no cleaning, no packing up yet. Because im lazy. Although im bored. im still lazy. Im hungry.
Another thing that cheers me up is. Im heading home in another 2 more days time. Well, big portion of my fren went home because the holiday started 1 week before. I stayed back in singapore is to dance/prac. Tmrw there will be another bboy prac. Not gonna miss that prac but i'll miss the one after tmrw's because i will be staying in Msia for i dno how long. Mayb 2 wks? heh!
I'll be going to genting and have fun in msia for sure. And im bringing my Holga o.o! i don wish to waste more than half of my 1st film. Today i took a few shots, and i dno what i had taken, either slanted,darked or anything else. I will have to wash it out because it's my first few shots in the LOMO world!
OKay, im damn boring now. Can anyone please. well, i dono what others can do for me =.=! cheers and stay happy. AND ENJOY ur holidays to the max for urself !
I have to say this. Im freaking scared. Why is there noises in such late nights. How am i going to pass through tonite? I felt like sleeping in the living room. ARGH. Home8 has just go messy to the max, no cleaning, no packing up yet. Because im lazy. Although im bored. im still lazy. Im hungry.
Another thing that cheers me up is. Im heading home in another 2 more days time. Well, big portion of my fren went home because the holiday started 1 week before. I stayed back in singapore is to dance/prac. Tmrw there will be another bboy prac. Not gonna miss that prac but i'll miss the one after tmrw's because i will be staying in Msia for i dno how long. Mayb 2 wks? heh!
I'll be going to genting and have fun in msia for sure. And im bringing my Holga o.o! i don wish to waste more than half of my 1st film. Today i took a few shots, and i dno what i had taken, either slanted,darked or anything else. I will have to wash it out because it's my first few shots in the LOMO world!
OKay, im damn boring now. Can anyone please. well, i dono what others can do for me =.=! cheers and stay happy. AND ENJOY ur holidays to the max for urself !
Sunday, September 19, 2010

I just bought a Holga 120 GCFN! With jitkhai, he bought 120GTLR. at the scape mall. With KJ also!
Compare and contrast both of this. I dno.Just know that mine has more colors whereas Jitkhai's white color! His is cooler but mine are cuter! xD okay. both also took up the word -YENG- :D
To be serious, this is my 1st time buying a camera, and they say this lomography is toy camera. Apparently, Im not sure if i will stop after a few wks. but definitely. i wont regret because i think i wont for now =X
What i like in this camera is because, it's cool, it's plastic-like, it's light and it RUNS IN FILM. After knowing alot of fren that has DSLR or digital camera, What i notice is that, they keep on bashing their fingers to take more pictures. This has gone into a 'take for granted thingy' which i don like. Lomography is a risk, u take a picture, and u dno what u taken at the end of the day, but at the end of the FILM, u'll always have to recall what u had taken. The amazing thing is, it may come out in total blank photos. Photos-something u can hold. and not just viewing in the computers.
Despite everything, One of the ten golden rules in lomography, 'Don't think, Just Shoot' pumped up my interest in LOMO.
OKay after all the talking shit,how to know in future, i might stop playing after a few films! But i think it's more worth than only spamming the DSLR o.O! no offense wuuuhuuu~
What i wish now, learn to use lomo, take good photos, freeze the moment, and keep the memories. Have fun!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
I just woke up. at 3.45pm
The sleep was wonderful. Just abit of interfered phone calls that wakes me up.
Well yesterday me and my fren from dpe went to send dpe students to do their IOPP in changi airport. I never tot that there were so many which makes me felt quite boring. Because i only intended to send Chengyan & Xinyi. How to know, so many people boomzed out. So it was quite chaotic actually because i'm not close to the others that are flying.That makes me kept quiet the whole time.
Also, thanks to jitkhai ,weichien and zac that keep jio-ing me to take pictures that kinda lessen my boredom xD.
A conclusion to make. Sending people to the airport is quite boring. Sames goes to sending GARY ahaha. but atleast gary, we threw him up. that made my hand cramped. Atleast we did it quite surprisingly. Hope he enjoyed the 'flying throw' before he really took on the flight! :D
BON VOYAGE GARY, CHENGYAN, XINYI, AND others dpe people that has took their flight! :D
The sleep was wonderful. Just abit of interfered phone calls that wakes me up.
Well yesterday me and my fren from dpe went to send dpe students to do their IOPP in changi airport. I never tot that there were so many which makes me felt quite boring. Because i only intended to send Chengyan & Xinyi. How to know, so many people boomzed out. So it was quite chaotic actually because i'm not close to the others that are flying.That makes me kept quiet the whole time.
Also, thanks to jitkhai ,weichien and zac that keep jio-ing me to take pictures that kinda lessen my boredom xD.
A conclusion to make. Sending people to the airport is quite boring. Sames goes to sending GARY ahaha. but atleast gary, we threw him up. that made my hand cramped. Atleast we did it quite surprisingly. Hope he enjoyed the 'flying throw' before he really took on the flight! :D
BON VOYAGE GARY, CHENGYAN, XINYI, AND others dpe people that has took their flight! :D
Friday, September 17, 2010
Optical Illusion

Staying late at this hours will definitely pop out few of my pimples!
Nevermind that first. Show u guys a real cool illusions. " Where did the missing part come from?" You guys might wanna count on the square box uh!
Btw, don ask me the answer because i couldnt figure it out also =X
Okay, i don wanna think no more! gonnna sleeep niteZ :D
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Blog is not a homework
I never blog on some stuff in my daily life is not because i don treasure them,
It's because i wanna remember the memories not stated here by my OWN!
I never blog on some stuff in my daily life is not because i don treasure them,
It's because i wanna remember the memories not stated here by my OWN!
Nerdy 80's

YOOO. im backkk to bloggg this damn fun and dope event. Like promised, i got the photosss alreadyy :D:D
Okay. Shall we start. Im gonna simplify it to the max approx by 90%. HEH!!
Start with. Bought nerdy gear, Camwhores beside the beach. get ready to be in the nerdy state,BBQ, Played games,Treasure hunt, Dance, Water games, captains ball,shower,beer,poker texas,slept and TMRW :D( simplifly enufff ehehe?) . Okay, let me touch on nerdy state,. A nerdy state. is not only depending the style/clothing/gears but also expressions and feelings. Everyone just 'make up themselves' super creatively. And guess what? there's award of the night. THE NERDY 80's KING & QUEEN 2010. Well it goes to LIMJITKHAI AND ONG CHENG YAN! Jitkhai won a hat and he present it to me! because, i said i like the hat! thanksss abang :D:D Hm, i just cant get any nerdy than HIM YOO =X
Before the whole event starts, i was afraid that there's this guailan-itized people that just duwanna try their very lil bit in dressing up into nerdy. BUT GUESS WHAT. Im freaking awesomely happy with the whole night. There's no one. that never get into the theme. just that someone that goes out of topic into the theme. SHE happened to be in the PALEOLITHICS AGE- style! Not convinient to say out her name over here. Let forget about it. But atleast she tried to be different =0
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The dance.
PHEWWW. just got back from Nerdy 80's night chalet with dpe peeps. It was awesome because everyone show off their enthu-ness xD
Okay i'm not gonna blog about the Nerdy 80's first. Because i know some of u waiting for my blog! ehehehe. Well. not bloggin on it first due to -pictureless- issue. NO worries, i would definitely blog on it when i have adequate pictures so that i can elaborate the awesome-fulllishm chalet!
Im gonna blog about this, After coming back from Nerdy 80's. Got home and sleep. Then went to Beverly Senior practice- Hip hop yooo. I really love the choreo soo much that i couldnt really do well on it! NVM. i will definitely do better in coping up in hip hop. My batch people are improving way faster than the light speed. Marcus, U're not improving in Hip Hop. Why? ARGH. i don wanna answer that. Mayb just because i got way too focus in BBOY. heh. Anyways, i still wanna play HIP HOP! :D\
Well. after Bev practices. Sky(BBOY partner yoo) and me head down to atrium and break for approx an hour. Tell u guys what, I think i'm improving in quite a fast pace ehehe. It means, I can dance somehow u knowww xD. well, we just kinda freestyle and do some of the choreo. And yes, SIBEH TIRED. After only 15 mins of freestyling session. Sky and Me together tot that. WE should go jogging some other time because we dont have enough STAMINA.well. it's lame but atleast we discovered it by ourselves. STAMINA PLAYS IMPORTANT ROLE IN DANCE :D But then we manage to slack and dance for the rest 45 mins! Upon dancing, i went home and went to bath. I showered w/o heater. Guess what, The water that reaches my shoulder are so freaking cold but when they reached my legs. It's like being heated. Imagine how hot is my body after dancing? Not that hot. But this hot, yeah temperature xD
Tmrw, there will be another BBOY PRAC. I think, i hope and i wish for the best for tmrw's routine because. i happened to peeked some of the new choreo when Mervin and Zul is doing it. ITS TOTALLY OMG. Pray hard that. i wont cramp, can cope, don so tired, and people WOOOTZ ON ME when I FREESTYLE! xD
And another thing , im still eagerly waiting huixuan's photo to be upload during the photoshoots on our PROD! =X =X Because i think Im cool with those freezes and attire!
PS: assure NERDY 80's post will be blogged once i got the evidence, material, photos and INSPIRATIONS!
Okay i'm not gonna blog about the Nerdy 80's first. Because i know some of u waiting for my blog! ehehehe. Well. not bloggin on it first due to -pictureless- issue. NO worries, i would definitely blog on it when i have adequate pictures so that i can elaborate the awesome-fulllishm chalet!
Im gonna blog about this, After coming back from Nerdy 80's. Got home and sleep. Then went to Beverly Senior practice- Hip hop yooo. I really love the choreo soo much that i couldnt really do well on it! NVM. i will definitely do better in coping up in hip hop. My batch people are improving way faster than the light speed. Marcus, U're not improving in Hip Hop. Why? ARGH. i don wanna answer that. Mayb just because i got way too focus in BBOY. heh. Anyways, i still wanna play HIP HOP! :D\
Well. after Bev practices. Sky(BBOY partner yoo) and me head down to atrium and break for approx an hour. Tell u guys what, I think i'm improving in quite a fast pace ehehe. It means, I can dance somehow u knowww xD. well, we just kinda freestyle and do some of the choreo. And yes, SIBEH TIRED. After only 15 mins of freestyling session. Sky and Me together tot that. WE should go jogging some other time because we dont have enough STAMINA.well. it's lame but atleast we discovered it by ourselves. STAMINA PLAYS IMPORTANT ROLE IN DANCE :D But then we manage to slack and dance for the rest 45 mins! Upon dancing, i went home and went to bath. I showered w/o heater. Guess what, The water that reaches my shoulder are so freaking cold but when they reached my legs. It's like being heated. Imagine how hot is my body after dancing? Not that hot. But this hot, yeah temperature xD
Tmrw, there will be another BBOY PRAC. I think, i hope and i wish for the best for tmrw's routine because. i happened to peeked some of the new choreo when Mervin and Zul is doing it. ITS TOTALLY OMG. Pray hard that. i wont cramp, can cope, don so tired, and people WOOOTZ ON ME when I FREESTYLE! xD
And another thing , im still eagerly waiting huixuan's photo to be upload during the photoshoots on our PROD! =X =X Because i think Im cool with those freezes and attire!
PS: assure NERDY 80's post will be blogged once i got the evidence, material, photos and INSPIRATIONS!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sometimes you have to be enthu.
Sometimes you should not grunt.
Sometimes you have to learn to appreciate.
Sometimes you have to feedback.
Sometimes you have to motivate.
Sometimes you have to live life to your fullest.
Sometimes you should stop faking the smile but share.
Sometimes you cannot rely on ur friend's decision.
Because you don wanna live in YOUR only world. my friend!
Sometimes you should not grunt.
Sometimes you have to learn to appreciate.
Sometimes you have to feedback.
Sometimes you have to motivate.
Sometimes you have to live life to your fullest.
Sometimes you should stop faking the smile but share.
Sometimes you cannot rely on ur friend's decision.
Because you don wanna live in YOUR only world. my friend!

Today went IKEA with bunch of frends! At first, we tot of havin our breakfast at there. End up. We even combined breakfast and lunch together! Because when we reached there, it's already 3pm something. And my stomach has got swollen up by the gravity yoo. Okay. too deep xD it simply means. im hungry. But luckily eng woei nvr let me down. the hotdogs ,meatball, and chicken wing in IKEA was too awesome to describe in here. HEH. nvm. if u wanna feel the awesomeness. Just go MAKAN :D(advertising o.O)
Okay. after eating. we happened to be "shopping" in the IKEA but end up we just touch every furniture and goods in IKEA. especially the beds. Donno why. When me and nicholas saw a bed. we jus simply-automated-like jump on the bed and turn around.
After all the 'fun ' stuff happening in IKEA, we then split. Nicholas and me had dinner with my parents. They arrived in singapore yesterday and then we dinner together! somewhere in paya lebar o.O
After that, the funs continue, both of us head to Clarke Quay meeting up with that bunch of frends again. In clarke Quay . SO PRETTY LA THE ATMOSPHERE. I FEEL LIKE SHOUTING over there heheh. They dinner in Hooters and we just got there and take pictures and talk craps only. One thing that attracts me is that. Hooters 's toilet is awesome xD
Okay. time to introduce that bunch of frends. Nicholas,gary,jitkhai,zach,chengyan,xinyi,weichien,siowting,
HMM. another thing to share. i went to desaru during the YOG break. with 7 awesome peoplee. We went 2D1N. I cant describe it in here. So. video shows everything. UPS AND DOWNS. in the video. created/directed/composed/compiled/founded/thinked/controlled by MR LIMJITKHAI. thanks him banyak2 in keeping the memoriess yoo :D
Friday, September 10, 2010
Night cycling & Sakae Sushii
Yesterday, went to night cycling with bunches of frens. namely. nicole,nicholas,karjing,chiamin,meilvin,deyi,ace,kaesee,pinky,minghow,a chow,penghui and . We cycled from east coast to changi airport. Just a short distance because one of our fren's bike 'spoilt' half way till changi so we couldnt continue. Guess what's we did? well, one of us fetch the bike and another fetch him back to east coast. WOW. not easy i tell u. imagine, you sitting on a chair that is practically lengthen than has very small width. remember. Pressure= Force/ Area? . walaos. the ass sure damn pain but in the end, he manage to pull through the pain in the ARSE!
Then we headed to MCD in ECP. Sit down. some rest. some sleep. some play cards and some talk. Well, that's the most comfortable period during the whole activities i guess :D. Because i simply love knowing stuffs of frens ehehehe! Then we head to the beach and took some pictures. Pictures with weird pose? hahas. one thing to say. Nicholas dno how to jump =X
After the beach, me, chiamin,nic,and pinky just took cab and head to our home. it's about 9am. Guess what we did after that? em. yeah correct. take a shower and head to the bed. Although the whole night cycling is just not as smooth as we tot of because of the spoilt bicycle, but i really had fun because riding is really pain in the ass. So i really felt quite happy to know that one of the bike got broken down whheee!
After the longggg sleep. Had dinner with another bunch of frends! namely, jitkhai,nicole,engwoei,yongchien,gary,zach,weichien,chengyan,and xinyi! We went to sakae sushi buffet then got ourselves 'BAO DAO SHI' because we were just so kia su. infact some of us just looks like pregnant womannn xD. After that, caught"Love's cut". hmm, how do i rate this movie? super boring but i think it's not a bad movie. It has quite a good ending just the process was abit slow. laughing quite loud in the cinema uhh. hm. i think i learnt something from the movie. 'Breast cancer'
And now. im super expecting on this sunday's NERDY 80's!!! so wanna make myself into a different style in that partayy xD. geeky specs. im gonna buy you soon!
PS; not sure if my current blog skin and template is okay anot. Nvm. im lazy to change. im gonna stick on it until i found a very very very handsome face of mine. then í'll use it ehehehe!
Gonna resttt. BYES
Then we headed to MCD in ECP. Sit down. some rest. some sleep. some play cards and some talk. Well, that's the most comfortable period during the whole activities i guess :D. Because i simply love knowing stuffs of frens ehehehe! Then we head to the beach and took some pictures. Pictures with weird pose? hahas. one thing to say. Nicholas dno how to jump =X
After the beach, me, chiamin,nic,and pinky just took cab and head to our home. it's about 9am. Guess what we did after that? em. yeah correct. take a shower and head to the bed. Although the whole night cycling is just not as smooth as we tot of because of the spoilt bicycle, but i really had fun because riding is really pain in the ass. So i really felt quite happy to know that one of the bike got broken down whheee!
After the longggg sleep. Had dinner with another bunch of frends! namely, jitkhai,nicole,engwoei,yongchien,gary,zach,weichien,chengyan,and xinyi! We went to sakae sushi buffet then got ourselves 'BAO DAO SHI' because we were just so kia su. infact some of us just looks like pregnant womannn xD. After that, caught"Love's cut". hmm, how do i rate this movie? super boring but i think it's not a bad movie. It has quite a good ending just the process was abit slow. laughing quite loud in the cinema uhh. hm. i think i learnt something from the movie. 'Breast cancer'
And now. im super expecting on this sunday's NERDY 80's!!! so wanna make myself into a different style in that partayy xD. geeky specs. im gonna buy you soon!
PS; not sure if my current blog skin and template is okay anot. Nvm. im lazy to change. im gonna stick on it until i found a very very very handsome face of mine. then í'll use it ehehehe!
Gonna resttt. BYES
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Today is my last paper and A&R Commissioning DONE! Felt relieved for today after finishing sooo many things wooohooo. Holiday's ahead and i don think i will be backing so sooon. Have to prac dancee. BBOY LIKE THERE's no tmrw for this coming HOLS! well later i'll be going to have a night cycling session with my poly-mates. Hope it will be a fun one as for my last time experience. my butt like tilted abit after a long hours of cycling o.O!
As for my blog templates, yes i know. still being renovated. Don understand why the font colors and blog title picturess just wont match? ZZ. nvr. gonna fix that soon after today :D
Okay. I'm out to eat now. Subway baby i'm coming whee :D
As for my blog templates, yes i know. still being renovated. Don understand why the font colors and blog title picturess just wont match? ZZ. nvr. gonna fix that soon after today :D
Okay. I'm out to eat now. Subway baby i'm coming whee :D
After long time of 'MIA' in the world of -blogspot-, and after viewing of so many enthu people blogging on their own daily life. I felt. left out already? so I now should officially 'reopen' and make this blogspot alive again! WINK :D
Okay, shall we start. Today went to School library study whole day then to amk eat teppanyaki. den DRANK KOI. And now i'm still awake. The reason because. K.O.I . the drug =.=!
Tomorrow will be my last paper for this SEM. which is 9-11. May god bless me to remember the stuff that i had studied and please make the paper easier for the sake of my tomorrow's mood :D
PS- this blog still has to be renovated. BTW im still dancing yoooo :D
After long time of 'MIA' in the world of -blogspot-, and after viewing of so many enthu people blogging on their own daily life. I felt. left out already? so I now should officially 'reopen' and make this blogspot alive again! WINK :D
Okay, shall we start. Today went to School library study whole day then to amk eat teppanyaki. den DRANK KOI. And now i'm still awake. The reason because. K.O.I . the drug =.=!
Tomorrow will be my last paper for this SEM. which is 9-11. May god bless me to remember the stuff that i had studied and please make the paper easier for the sake of my tomorrow's mood :D
PS- this blog still has to be renovated. BTW im still dancing yoooo :D
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