Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Still living right here in a BIG island but not huge. Stucks in a carefree fyp life. Trying to draw the other half of my mould. Brainstormed damn hard until the cells are fighting each other. Still back to square one.
And thinking of something really great to do before the end of twothousandeleven. Yup. Just damn amazing to just imagine it now.Although it might suck badly :(
Yesterday was a hardcore talk with another fat yet handsome bastard. I cant believe he asked for another hug after showering. HEH. Love it bro! okay fking gayz!
So many things to look forward now. except the completion of my project:/
The nearest thing that is happening is.gonna.happen.in.a.few.hours.time. And that's a secret because i don like to let anyone to know that i'm gonna head back home to nap before 6! eh, did i just said it out?! heh.
omaigardZ! Okay im just here to update abit and try to talk like a bitch. to be exact, just to entertain you. The worst weekdays of all is all stucked in this mid of xmas and new year, Why cant we just have one whole week of holiday! Yeah, u can deduct all my working hours, yeah, just take it. don be so cheap. Beh's gonna laugh his ass of when he see this. Don be so cheap kay!! ngekngek
Watched "we bought a zoo". HMMM. Something really amazing is gonna happen if we would just say out what we hope each other would have say *honestly*
Monday, December 5, 2011
That's the right thing to do! " =)
Monday, November 21, 2011
Then we went for paintball. Mosquitoes, bruises, mud, stinks, water vapor, ponding, raining and CAB-LESS
The story begins here, few of us went for bathing and few went for ponding and we took turns to sit on Aaron’s car to get to the mainroad- 21 of us and a kenari. Aaron fetched the 1st two groups to the hair salons. The rest left kc,chow,Nicole,june,kj,jerry,Melvin,me waiting to be fetched at the infamous paintball centre’s washroom.
Raining heavily at that moment and Aaron was afraid that he can’t fetch us all at 2 turns because the hair salons was quite far from the paintball place and the road’s flooding like nobody’s business giving that impression that. ‘Im gonna flood this place and u can’t come in another time with your kenari’- as we know kenari is very low. So he then fetched few to another destination where there’s cab-less-quite near to the paintball area. Let’s name it the CLA=Cab-Less Area. Leaving four person there, chow,jerry,Melvin, and karjing. Aaron then continued to fetch Nicole,me,kc,june to the hair salon to meet up with the rest. After that Aaron has to go back because he has some urgent stuff to do.
Upon reaching there, we kept finding cab-phone number because we still need get the four of them at the CLA. Meanwhile it’s storming like hell, and jerry at that side kept on finding the address of the place and kept on calling for cab to fetch them to the hair salon. Few of us started calling for cabs and FYI the area floods very often and none of the cabs are willing to fetch at the CLA.
Finally Guey successfully called a taxi-CAB1 to the hair salon, Kc then accompany the cab driver to the CLA to fetch the four of them. Meanwhile, we got a taxi-CAB2 wanders around the hair salon area and Nicole discuss with the cab driver whether he has got any other fren that could possibly fetch the 20 of us to CitySquare. He said he might not have fren but he don’t mind fetching to and fro. So, the CAB2 fetches 6 person. SIX PERSON. Remember this. Sz,JJ,Grace,Zhumao,Chiamin,June of them head towards to the bus stop proceed on to CitySquare by bus, when they reached the bus stop, the CAB2 has difficulty to drop them and even u-turning a few times before dropping them because it's too flooding. They are having hard time waiting at the bus stop with the stinks and dirty people around them haha. That's according to CrystalMaiden la :X
Later that we found out that we still need to call for more cabs because a cab ride to and fro from the CitySquare to the hairsalon takes too long. We tried asking uncle nearby and someone we could possibly meet. At the same time, Kc called back and said that at the CLA, CAB1 insist that he cannot fetch 5 of them- leaving Chow and KJ there still at the CLA. So, CAB2>CAB1. Not even 5 he can take unlike CAB2- fetching 6 person. Kc, Jerry, Melvin then head straight to City Square.
Rains started to settle, and just a little drizzle, I went to the main road trying to flag a cab with an umbrella k quite pussy because we saw a few passed by. Nvm I think it’s cool. At that instant, I saw Nicole and Justin sit on a modern car and the rest of them told me that they’re going to fetch chow and karjing which is still in CLA. Now left pohchun,cansin,Daniel,choonhong,guey, andy and me. They decided to walk to the main road to flag a cab. A little communication breakdown here, We just happened to walk quite a distance until we saw a cab, he pulls it over and Cansin, ChoonHong,PohChun sits on the cab because there’s a lady inside, so 3 person instead of 4.4 of us continued walking, after quite another distance, unexpectedly CAB2 after fetching the 6 of them came back to the same spot to fetch the rest of us but no1 were there. CAB2 hasn’t receive the cab-fare after fetching the 6 because the cab driver never ask to pay and the 6 of them tot that it will be another loop and we’ll pay it together which will be more convenient once everyone reached CitySquare.
We tried calling the CAB2 uncle because we were guilty because this uncle is damn good willing to fetch us despite the heavy rains he’s more likely from another area. But we mistook a 3 to a 5 as the phone number he gave us .So we can’t reach him, As what we have decided, we walk all the way back to the origin- hair salon. Walking halfway through near to the Petronas, Nicole,Justin,Kj, Chow at the bus stop after dropped by the modern car saw the CAB2 driver and then Chow followed him to fetch us at the Petronas and back to the bus stop to meet up with Nicole,kj,and Justin. We then take a bus ride back to city square to meet up with the rest. The happiest moment was, they were waiting for us at the KFC all the way from the moment they reached CitySquare. FYI, this whole thingy started from 6pm-10pm. The four hours. We ate we talked and we head back at the end.
EPIC STORY is EPIC and no picture were taken because it was a big mayhem ! Everyone’s blur and communication breakdown and im lovin it, we even left our clothes at the busstop because we didn't tot that belongs to us. This shirt meant quite alot to me because at the back of my shirt there's my name. Nevermind that. As what Daniel said, 久久一次就好damn true
Just a picture below will be enough describe everyone's feeling

ps:// The clothes we left there, Kj's mom able to get it back for us and said a kitkat bar will do to thank her! im gonna buy her one whole lot ! hehehehhe. Damn happy kid now Fucking thanks Justin and the NONSTOP rain for the awesomest adventure travel!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Yesterday’s breaking was very hardcore and finally I got myself injured at my hips. It’s a good thing. Because flare uses hip, if my hips ache, it means im using my hips correctly to perform the flare. It’s getting better. Imgoingforthe2ndflarenowWHEEE. That’s the optimistic part. But I feel so pain , yes I can walk but trying so very hard to walk normally ;(
I watched a few bboy battle videos. Sometimes I wonder, how people get so *****. FYI, Im attempting on doing a flare rotating from the left to the right and only successful to get on one. What I saw in the video is that, they spin few times then at the halfway they *HangOnTheMidAir* for 2seconds and spin to the alternate direction. The gravitational force are being good to them i guess. They’re too flawless. My jaw dropped so low sometimes watching those videos. Watching those sometimes motivates and surely it does break my feeling witnessing someone has already gone so far. But still motivation>demoralizing.
This Sunday one my dope bboy fren is going to compete for COTY in johor. Heh, I’m going to support, with my friends as well maybe? I bet it will be A VERY eye opener event for me. I have never been to any battle even I have been breakdancing for dono how long. This time im gonna get my motivation back. JUST THIS SUNDAY everything will be back!
FUYO interschool is drawing near. Yet I’m still what I’m. It’s been tired. A very very tired and eventful period now. Heh, but I love it. Man has to stay tired. At such way, u’ll realize you’re living it maximumLY! =D
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Not sure if chow will read this. If he read this, he will definitely get COCKY! hahaha Nvm let him be!
Monday, November 14, 2011
I guess the 3-day-celebration we did for both of them. IS toooo AWESOME hehehe.
Let me elaborate about this two pretty women. Sinhui. I know her not for long. The closest moment between us is when she invited me (slacker) to be in her team in one of the school project. From then, I started slacking all the way doing the project till she become quite naggy and sometimes impulsive. Staying till late night frustrated to complete the given project is quite memorable ;) Last Saturday, few of us went to the balloon ‘sculpture’(not very sure) on the way there entering the lift, suddenly tot so much what happened back then when we’re in the lab rushing project with all the fking stressed up face. Heeh. Kinda miss it? Hahah and yeah reminiscing the moment was kind memorable even its just a few months back and please don get the wrong idea. This woman has a boyfren, a great one. Hope she love the dog we gave her as the present! And toooo many ‘thankyou’ from her after the 3 day party haha!
Another woman. Which will be Nicole. This girl. Proclaiming everyone to be the BFF hahha. Yes indeed a very very very friendly although sometimes get annoyed but its okay! We still love you haha. This girl. Too many stories to tell I don’t even know when to start so im not making this post long. Hahah. Hope she love the bulldog we gave her as well ! And also. The 3-day-celebration certainly blasted her when I look into her eyes. OMG what am I talking and yeah this girl has the far most superbbbb BOYFREN ever. To be able to give in so much. To be frank, I cant make it. ;( that’s the reason why i don't have one. HAHAH
Last but not least. HAPPY SWEEET 20th BDAY. Thanks both of u making my life such great. –sometimes- Hope they got to see my blog someday hahaha! ;)
Monday, October 31, 2011
Breakin. Night cycling. Gymming. Injured fingers. Basketball.Steamboat.Crapping. SexyAndIKnowIt-ing. Vodka.Chivas.BlackLabel.And cocacola :)
Can you believe that. I did all these in 120 seconds?!
Damn love to watch movie together haahaha. Still the best moment when some of the pretty and handsome bastard wont stop whispering throughout the horror movie.! =.=
Friday, October 14, 2011
AND YES I DAMN MISS HOME8 every single one from every single where. Hope it will be a better and wonderful-ler time staying together in time to come. I learnt a lot in this IAP thingy. ‘The merrier it is, the better it become’ despite all the upcoming argument hehehehe. Now think of it, aren’t we just too naïve to argue for such small matters. BUT yes its quite fun. So. Hope in time to come, we could argue more! =)
6oclock is so near now and im damn exxxxcittteddd !!!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Bintan trip surely made me wanna go back another time, after browsing through the pictures yesterday night. The $66.50 certainly somehow strived something adventurous out of us. A lil action that marked in my mind of everyone throughout the trip.
Jitkhai- *The together ‘gek’ infront of the DSLR*
Cheng Yan-‘Your tou pi is flying towards me!!’
JJ-‘We somehow did something great together’
Weichien-*hitting his tummy*
Gary-*Asking liyin whether she’s fine*
Liyin-*Yes I’m fine* AHHAHAA
Guey- Ghost story
Xin yi- ‘I don’t wanna play water sports !’
Zach- *Jumping down into the sea clumsily*
*Stella. The one I met in Bintan. Full of fragrance and scented the whole environment. I missed it*
Thursday, September 29, 2011
And the last one I had was yesterday with a few bunch of awesomeness bastard again. First time ‘happening’ between all of us for me. I wonder when’s the next time ! Presuming everyone having a great time despite the long hours of internships and final year project. But the topics nvr fail to burst out especially in BG relation haha
My gooooood fren, is flying off soon in OCT 1st. Too bad cant make it to airport to send her off. She wouldn’t mind, so many frends will be there for her and jerry ! hahah. Wish both of them best of luck and I believe. THEY WONT BE TOGETHER. Betting with all the money I have in my pockets now! =)

*Yesterday, Not only beer, intimate conversation definitely warms our heart =)*
Saturday, September 24, 2011
I just breaked today with sky. Damn rusty, cant even break for 2 hours then both of us cramp here cramp there and went to chillax already! Been very very long time since my last breaking, due to assigment, exams and school stuff. Now is the time, FYP/IAP, a very carefree time for me to step it up already.
We do have a aim. April 2011 Fuyo Interschool bboy competition. We gonna step it down and represent NYP? hahah. although it's not near from now, but i assure without hardcore training starting now, we gonna get burned in the 1st round! haha.
So, im gonna say, "Let's see what am i in 7 months time" This time for real. After all the scheduling we did together. hopefully ! :)
Guess i should motivate myself up more!

Sunday, September 18, 2011
and yesterday went to youthphoria with frens and what i liked the most is polaroid,dinner and johnny english hehehe. Today supposingly to go jalan raya with my frens but having a slight flu i decided to stay at home. banyak minta maaf! :)

*ACTUALLY working life im writting here is much more exaggerating that what's in reality. I presume that might get more interest in reading this*hehehehe
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
U got it going on. GOING ON ! The Fking 10 days! :))))))
What im gonna post might be a lil long this time. it will be 10days of me in malaysia! yeahs it's a fking 10 days.
Let me start with moment i left home8 at that morning. I remember it was only chiamin was awake and is her birthday. Before going back, i tot of going have a farewell breakfast with her because couldnt stayed to celebrate her BIG day.After packing all my stuff. We ate in 505 and yes i treated her the baked bread! Then i found out i forgotten my bottle and earpiece, hehe. then after finish eating, she quickly run up and throw me wad i wan before i head back! everything was just so perfectly fine.
Letme skip until i reach MALAYSIA. MY HOMELAND! everything is so perfectly fine with all the rubbish around, im proud to say, im quite happy to see all the rubbish around. it felt so home-full. Waited in the airport-like Tasik bersepadu selatan for awhile and finally my driver-aka best fren, stevie and beh is here! that's the moment, the -unlimited happiness- from the core of my heart burst out just like dat. heh! then we str8 headed to midvalley to meet some pretty gurls and we decided to have our late dinner at a korean cafe i presume. At the moment i called home and say im not coming home to sleep. Well, its the bitch period. Everyone just talks and no1 is listen but yes, being the good guy i listened more hahha. some games as well, and some photos taken hehe. everything perfectly fine except the dish i ordered !

Beaches- fion, yunchin, mingke, joyee,kyalin
After that we go str8 to stevie's home. erm. only beh and me. the 3 of us just start our man talk after bathing and settled everything. We then felt asleep at last when we're watching Hangover. The awesome whole 1st day just end like dat. And 9 more days to go ! ah don be stupid im not gonna post everything it might quite bored u guys although i already did xD
so let me jump to the night i loved and missing it now.
The friday in my house. A gathering. Where i know we're all fking good liar after that game. The KILLER GAME. We ate, drank some vodka, webcamed chunkit, killer game, snapped photos, 'partayy', and finally until 1am. Everyone has to say goodbye. Im damn happy to see everyone so hyped up till 1am. Let me tell u all, some of my frends arent like urs. They cant stayed up too late, I really do appreciate every minute they stayed in my home WHEEE! :) U knw wad, it's not the end for 3 of us, beh stevie and me, We had a long chat till 4am with some redwine. woohoo. And yeah, Im not the old marcus that vomit after a few scoops. Now im a profesionnal drinker! hahaha! Erm i mean, just a lil better than previously ! That night till 4am is fking superbbb.

A summarized version on what i remembered the most in this 10 days. 4 days JUSCO. 2 day Midvalley, 1 day Pavillion, 3 movies, 10+ killer games, 1 big feast, 1 GREAT NIGHT.
That 4 days in JUSCO is not that we love jusco, just that somehow some accident happened and made us go back and forth to jusco ! hehehe. Imnot telling it here haha it's quite a long story ! hehe.
This holidays is done for me. Im not gonna say how awesome it is, Because every holiday was damn awesome. This time it's freaking superbly tiring awesomefuliish babehh * u got it goinggg goinnggg onnn* :). Im really looking forward the 4 of us reunited again during CNY. Pls give me a nice schedule !
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Singapore Challenge'11
hehehhe. Quite a cheer haha!
Im back again. To update a lil bit of this saturday. So i joined singapore challenge'11 organized by SIF and with 7 AWESOME and yet directionless SAKAI! shueze,liyin,peiwen,xinxin,wenwen,dionne,eikming! hahah. 2 guys and 6 girls including me. Before i show the picture. A lil to talk about this awesome event. It's a run around singapore although i just went few places and yeah. when it comes to direction and maps. I SUCK. hahaha. although we kinda became the last team over 60. we're still. PROUD ! having to drink KOI in the middle and taking some peektures for the thing that we thought that's gonna be an award there. which is there're NONE so it's useless hahaha ! and yeah, we bonded quite well, another bonding session mayb next time? haha reunion! heheheh. been long since my last join in an event, and the feeling is damn awesome. shouting like a mad dog is what u called cool ! hahaha. kay enough crapping here. let the pigtures does a lil of 'talking'

ps: The moment when I say we're a team, that's the moment I accept the fact that I could lose with you. A lil thing i learnt today ! :)
Monday, July 11, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
what if tmrw never comes?
BEEN long since the last blog. been studying for this coming test quite 'often' i guess. day dreaming infront of the slides and keep on browsing how many slides left are more like it=.=
things happened back then where i dono why. am i so hateable? Used all my muscles on cracking some lame jokes and made u laugh and yet. so hateable? ask yourselves before hating. u can do better :)
blogs seems to be very quiet nowadays
Thursday, June 16, 2011
A Freeman
I should be proud of myself for able to stay through till now when nobodies's looking. Much has asked to move on and i appreciate.
It's okay to be silly on your once loved and not regretting on it. ;)
Still wish for the best of luck in you. :)
the reason i spam is because i wan to spam for the sake of spamming and yet spamming those nonsense on a single post on facebook made me felt great on spamming so spamming really helps to release stress and boredness and yes this shows that how -nothing-to-do-ness in home now. so if u see me spam on facebook this few days is not because im mad mayb it's because im partially mad so don think wrong.

ps:// Being a someone to alot of people are far more greater than being a SPECIAL someone of a person. Sometimes an intimate talk and chat wouldnt bring you further to anywhere. everyone's moving on their own lives minding their own business. "Ignorance" :)
Friday, June 10, 2011
ps/ cant wait to enjoy this last break. hope it will be a sweet time for me to ponder on this matter. its killing me ! ;(
Monday, June 6, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
THANKS BROS ! hahahaha.
i knew mh few years back in secondary school
and then met ch when he came into perimbun
and stevie i met him through mh ch
i can say that it is really my luck to meet THEM
think back the old times being with them doing something sohai sohai i will really laugh like never did before
i hardly remember their birthdays
to be honest i need to see back facebook to trigger me to think back their birthdays
and i forgotten ch's bday
i thought i was the only one sending late wishes to ch
LOL the mh and stevie even later

few days before his birthday i checked facebook and i told myself i must wish him on his birthday
but i forgot to do that xD
i will just UNCONSCIOUSLY forget after i turn myself into other things on the next second
but nvm
if i were ch, receiving the best friends' late birthday wishes will even blast me to the max because it is sent by them, the important one
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Health or Happiness?
Those wanna answer Happiness, yes you're right.
Those 'plan' to answer Health. NVM
Let me give you a scenario.
A) Stay long live in a boring life till you're 100 years old.
B) Be happy in everyday's life for 30 Days and then YOU DIE !
Compare the two and tell me u wanna live a healthy life instead of a HAPPY life?
Think again.
A random quote, 'Living in a life is not about fulfilling the lifespan, it's about treasuring at each and every moment while living it. You only have one life'
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The 20th Birthday

ps: ______ the present, the BOXER-pictures, the buffet treat,the surprise, the camwhores, the flour-pourer, the egg-shooter,the one thats good at hiding from me about the surprises people, the prank-makers, the eventhough-boring-but-still-continue-to-play people, the cake, the wishing cards, the-want-to-let-me-fall-in-blindfold-people, the one that remembered my bday, the one that fetch us home people, and OKAY LA the close one that can even forgotten my bday PEOPLE !
PPS: After thanking sooo much, its getting bored. But this i must thanks, to the people that is so BLIND continue spamming on my facebook wall with wishes after i implied not to. BUT I LIKE IT HAHAHHAH!THANKS !
Getting prank is no fun, Seeing everyone so happy is the OHM!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Everyday Im SHUFFERRRINGG ! hahaha. nice concept of clubcrawl'11 this time.
And btw, i just performed 4 times in bboy foreign BODIES for 2 days. SHAG and enjoyed ! wooohooo. erm, yeah grand senior liao. old loh..
K skip that, what i wanna share is. I enjoyed the best performing at the 4th time. Reason are as below

To be precise, what they did was being one bunch of fans of mine waving the paper they wrote when its my turn to dance! haha. omgosh damn touched although their writting sucks ! hahaha
ps; it's not about being supported by 'fans', Its all about having one bunch of true frends supporting that matters. :D
Sunday, April 17, 2011
SentosaVolleyBall & Chomp Chomp !
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
SEG FreshmenOrientation2011
I enjoyed running the trial run.
I enjoyed having fun in SAKURA.
I enjoyed doing the last minute video.
I enjoyed packing all the goodies bag at the last minute.
I enjoyed watching everyone in FMO11 improved since the 1st meeting.
I enjoyed seeing everyone so happy at the last MAC treat!
I enjoyed seeing everyone cheering and looking out for each other.
I enjoyed running the FMO11 with everyone getting so bucked up.
I hope every planning committees can see themselves as the winner!
Have fun watching on the last minute video! Btw, it is displayed during the orientation for 1665 students wooohoo. so if its not funny, try to laugh as welll! :D
Monday, April 4, 2011
okay here are some photos taken.

PS:: today's cyphering BEST! cypher- its not about what u can do, it's about what u WANT to do ! :D