I guess i just dno what to write as the title.
Myinternship starts and it had been worrying me all the time, waking up freaking early and rush ur ass way to work and sit there like a pussycat that don even dare to miao at time.
Okay let me say this. it's not that bad actually, sitting down and doing nothing and WTF im being paid some allowance also. This is fking no fun, when u don have things to do, u're damn boring and u wanna sleep and the boss sits behind you! HOW TO Pass the freaking 8 hours i ask you. But nvm, this two week been passing quite fast. ok no more whining<-- actually imnot whining im js sharing. infact i shared too much damn times everytime i meet my fren, we will just blurp up what we did in work. and somehow compared.
They say damn boring because too busy. and i also told them im damn boring because too free. then we started to compare whether which job is better. aiya fuck it seriously. hahahahha. don care liao. another 10 weeks to go!
Actually working life is not that bad actually, it gives us a very special kind of feeling. 'if u're at work, u hate everyone, when it's after work, u fking appreciate every frens dat u might even somehow nvr talked before and started talking like a chatterbox' there's once my throat gone out of saliva<-- if u knw what im talkingxD
Okay enough of my workin life, yesterday's yesterday went to send a bunch of frens to the airport and watching them flied.quite.a.hard.to.describe.feeling.o.O
and yesterday went to youthphoria with frens and what i liked the most is polaroid,dinner and johnny english hehehe. Today supposingly to go jalan raya with my frens but having a slight flu i decided to stay at home. banyak minta maaf! :)

*ACTUALLY working life im writting here is much more exaggerating that what's in reality. I presume that might get more interest in reading this*hehehehe