Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Sometimes somewhere somehow. Depressfulness feeling has been overflowing throughout my every single parts of my moving body. Not sure if its work, or stress of work, or reallly get pissed of work or ' what the hell man, it's monday again'?

After working for just a few days of OT. Realised i missed out so much. so much until i felt boundaries between peepaws. Where i feel distanced inner-ly. Not sure if this only happens everytime during a transition in nest shifting. Or my brain is really so fucked up that i felt like suiciding by eating my computer right in front me. Not sure if its enough to kill me.

I wanna get used to what im living in right now like how i used to be in my poly time. Where adapting is so important, if  not how are we gonna live this fked up life right. Hope in time i could adapt more than people ever imagined because in a few more months. Part time degree is kicking in and i can no longer figured how many computer should i eat to stay normal and to maintain this awesomeness.

Or everything of this happened because i have not enought sleep last night? CHEEEHH then this post is redundant thanks for reading and god bless you for supporting my blog till now! wheeee :)


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